I’ve gotten into Risk of Rain 2 in the last few weeks and only just realized there’s a huge modding scene for it. I was struggling to figure out how to install mods on the Steam Deck, but luckily a comment from reddit user /u/blackbarn saved the day. The original comment was missing a few steps to make this work so I decided to make a quick guide.

  • Go to Desktop Mode on the Steam Deck and download r2modman from Thunderstore. Click “Manual Download”.
  • Extract the zip file and open the ‘r2modman.AppImage’, select your RoR2 directory and install any mods you’d like.
  • Click on “Launch Modded” - you’ll need to launch RoR2 only once through the launcher for this to work. You can close the game as soon as it finishes loading and you see the mods installed.
  • Go back to the launcher and on the left panel, click on “Help”. Scroll all the way to the bottom and find the section that says “Launching the game from outside the mod manager”. It’ll give you the launch argument you need for Steam.
  • Copy that launch argument and go to Steam, right click on RoR2 and paste the argument as a launch option. I had to also remove the drive letter from the argument but your milleage may vary here. For me instead of “Z:\home\media\run\...” I took off the drive letter and its just “\home\media\run\...”.
  • And that’s it! Now whenever you launch RoR2 through Steam (whether on desktop mode or Gaming Mode) it will launch with the mods you installed. If you ever need to update any mods or install other ones just launch r2modman on Desktop Mode again. 
  • Personally I’ve kept it simple and only installed the BetterUI mod because I wanted more stats on screen and extra item info. But if anyone has any recommendations for must have mods hit me up.